The Context and Future of Scripture and Theology — A Conversation with Charles Taylor @ S&T 2021

We are proud to annouonce that S&T 2021 will feature a conversation with eminent philosopher Charles Taylor, professor emeritus at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. The conversation will focus on „The context and future of scripture and theology“.

Scripture and theology do not exist in a vacuum, particularly given the cultural context which shapes both the reception of scripture and the practice of theology. In western contexts, the contextual nature of scripture and theology implies that neither scripture nor theology can escape the demands of modernity, along with the demands often portrayed as coming from ‘science’ or ’naturalism.’

We are delighted to offer a conversation, a Q&A, with the world renowned philosopher, Charles Taylor. Taylor will address the concerns pressing in on the study of scripture and practice of theology in our post-modern and pluralistic world. To do so, there will be a moderated dialogue around these themes where Taylor will respond to questions arising from those attending the panel, either virtually or in person. 

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